
How to choose your payroll software?

by John Eric Macaraig for Blog Post

Payroll Software – How To Choose Your Payroll Software

Payroll software soon as your company recruits its first employee, it becomes responsible for managing its payroll. It is possible to delegate payroll management to an external service provider. But if it is the company itself that takes care of it, it will need to equip itself with payroll management software for VSEs and SMEs. Indeed, payroll management cannot be improvised. It is a complex subject where you have to make sure you comply with strict and changing regulations. To facilitate your research, La Fabrique du Net has unearthed for you the best payroll management software on the market to manage the payment of your employees internally.

How to choose your payroll management software?

To choose your payroll software wisely, it is crucial to assess the scope of your needs. This will allow you to predict the priority features, the number of users, the volume of data, etc.). Also, from there, you can set the budget you want to allocate to this payroll management solution. Also, remember to take into account the training, the support offered, and the updates.

Understand the main features of payroll software

The utility of payroll software is to take care of the day-to-day management of the payroll as well as the administrative management of the personnel. Here is a non-exhaustive list of payroll software features:

  • Edit payslips and social security charges.
  • Manage payments with automatic generation of the file that allows transfers to be sent to the bank.
  • Automatically integrate payroll entries into accounting.
  • Remote declaration of DSNs (nominative social declarations).
  • Perform the DADS (annual declaration of data entered).
  • Maintain the personnel register.
  • Produce documents such as employment contracts, hiring promises, ASCETIC certificates, work stoppages, work certificates, etc.).

Licensed software Vs software in SaaS mode

Your choice should be made according to your needs, the environment, and the size of your business.
Licensed software is installed on your company’s servers. It is a popular solution for its security since the data is stored by you. Pay attention to the cost of updates and their frequency.
A SaaS solution means that you have permanent and secure access to your service. Your data is stored by the publisher. You can connect to work from anywhere and on all types of media. Updates are automatic.

Our advice for choosing your payroll software

More specifically, here are the things to take a close look at before selecting your solution:

  • Is the software vendor trusted? Pay attention to the quality of the products it offers.
  • Does the software benefit from regular updates in order to be constantly in compliance with the most recent changes in laws?
  • Does the service provider include a hotline that can be reached quickly with the support that will answer you if you have a problem?
  • Payroll software can have different modes of use. Will you have single or multiple user access? In other words, is it licensed software? Or a SaaS solution, accessible online at any time?
  • Is the software you are looking for able to manage payroll in your industry? If you are in an area with specific legislation, ask the publisher if their payroll software is right for you.

Finally, to save you time in your management and avoid re-entry errors, check that the payroll software automatically generates the payroll journal. You can then inject it into your accounts.

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