The Employee Provident Fund EPF calculator will help you calculate the amount of money you will save when you retire. Now you can Calculate your salary, EPF rate...
Budget 2021 is the largest budget in Malaysia’s history, with a total of RM322.5 billion compared to RM297 billion for Budget 2020...
Most of the small business owners who start to use either paid or free accounting software in Malaysia quickly master the basics. They learn how to make invoicing automatic...
According to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia, an EA form is a Yearly Remuneration Statement that includes your salary for the past year...
If a taxpayer has income other than employment such as business, rental and royalties reported in previous years, LHDN may normally issue CP500 for next taxable period...
SST (Sales and Service Tax) shall be levied and charged on the taxable supply of goods and services made in the course or furtherance of business in Malaysia by a…
Before starting up a new business, you might need to spend some time for surveying which Accounting System Software or ERP Software in Malaysia that you would like to apply...
Starting up a business can be super challenging, while tirelessly looking for customer and better bargain supplier, business owner has to put effort on filling the accounts precisely and...
The government has recently announced its new plan in replacing the existing sales and service tax with the goods and services tax (GST) starting from April 2015 onwards...
Form CP 58 only need to be prepared for those recipients where the monetary and non-monetary incentive payment are of an amount exceeding RM5,000 per annum...