On January 1, 2018, SOCSO introduced the EIS PERKESO portal to help employers to manage their records, update and make contributions. This insurance, regulated by the Employment Insurance System Act…
Choose an ERP for your business - The planning software for the enterprise resource or ERP is deployed to automate and computerize the processes, functions, flow & central enterprise systems…
Payroll Software - How To Choose Your Payroll Software Payroll software soon as your company recruits its first employee, it becomes responsible for managing its payroll. It is possible to…
Accounting System - TPE, SME: how to choose your accounting system? Accounting system - Whether the manager of an SME or VSE type company decides to internalize his accounting or…
Accounting Software - Importance of Choosing The Right One. Accounting software-Whatever the size and nature of your structure, accounting management software are one of the essential pieces of equipment. So…
Pada 1 Januari 2018, PERKESO memperkenalkan portal EIS PERKESO untuk membantu majikan menguruskan rekod mereka, mengemas kini dan membuat caruman. Insurans ini, yang dikawal oleh Employment Insurance System Act 2017…
Malaysia has specific rules for taxation and payroll, depending on whether your company employs local Malaysian or foreign nationals employees. The main concerns for a company that must comply with…
On January 1, 2018, SOCSO introduced the EIS PERKESO portal to help employers to manage their records, update and make contributions. This insurance, regulated by the Employment Insurance System Act…
Filing a tax assessment in Malaysia is compulsory under section 107C of the Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967. If the company is starting up for the first time, the assessment…
CP38 is an additional tax deduction order issued by LHDN specifically to an employer. This CP38 form regulation requires employers to make additional deductions in monthly installments from taxpayers 'salaries…