
Boostorder is now Integrated with QNE Accounting Software Malaysia!!

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Good News! QNE Accounting Software is now collaborated with Boostorder, this will benefit you in time saving for your customer, browsing catalog and place order easily anywhere anytime. The integration will help your business to simplify and streamline work flow.

What is Boostorder?

Boostorder is a business to business (B2B) E-Commerce solutions provider. Our vision is to help brands, manufacturers and distributors to be unprecedentedly fast and efficient via mobile transformation.

Far from standing on the side-lines, B2B companies have embraced the digital revolution. But those efforts have tended to focus on internal cost and process efficiencies and less on innovating around sales and the customer experience—and that’s where the real growth is.

On the other side of the fence, Business-to-business customers are already demanding a better purchase experience. In a recent Industry survey of 1,000 B2B decision makers, lack of speed in interactions with their suppliers emerged as the number-one “pain point”. They prefer using self-service tools to facilitate research & reordering —after all, they use Amazon at home just like everyone else does.

Recognizing this, some companies have invested in developing customer portals or apps. Yet often these efforts fail to create significant improvements. We believe the root of the problem is that this initiative tends to over simplify by applying copy-paste of the B2C digital interaction model. B2B customer interaction is fundamentally different & complex. Relationship often goes deeper, it involves more individuals & channels, customization is more widespread & stakes are usually higher in B2B deals.

Hence, we present to you Boostorder – B2B Commerce & Big Data SAAS (Software as a service) for Brand, Manufacture & Distributor. Boostorder is flagship product from Instanture. It is designed for B2B use case and we want to provide your company with targeted set of digital capabilities to accelerate deployment & return on investment for B2B sales & customer experience digital transformation.

Boostorder – Direct (English)


Boostorder – Rep (English)


For more products information may contact us at
☎️ 012-608 3780
☎️ 03-8943 3080

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