QNE Inventory Version
QNE Inventory Software is designed specially to meet the requirements of small and medium sized enterprises (SME).
With QNE Inventory user-friendly interface and functions, users able to manage their inventory easily like create invoice, invoice management, stock balance management, goods management, goods category management, staff sales records management and staff permission management, backup and restore stock and etc.
Full Keyboard Operation
QNE was designed with fully keyboard operable, thus, users who are already familiar in keyboard operation (especially for the DOS user) can still use keyboard when using QNE. Furthermore, fully utilize of the keyboard to operate the QNE will be gain a faster speed compare with using mouse.
On-line help
QNE provides a comprehensive and complete on-line help to guide users while they use QNE. Users can invoke the on-line help by pressing F1.
Easy to Correct Data Entry Error
When there are some amendments for a particular record, for example payment voucher, what the users need to do is go back to the payment voucher and do the amendment accordingly, even it is not the current month data. The system will update the relevant debit and credit transactions automatically.
Eliminate the Hassle Of Month End
QNE allows you to enter next month’s transaction without closing the month’s account.
To let the users complete their jobs as fast as possible, QNE allows users to work on multiple windows simultaneously.
Effective and Fast Inquiry
QNE provides a fast stock/account enquiry screen for faster tracking the account/stock transaction status.
Password Protection
Every user in QNE should login with their username and password with the authorized access right.
User-Friendly Source Document Entry Screen
All the entry screens in QNE are designed as likely as an actual entry document. Thus, users will be able to start using QNE immediately. Furthermore, users with no accounting knowledge still can use these user-friendly source document screen to enter their accounting data due to QnE do the entire accounting debit and credit job automatically.
All Transactions Can Be Entered Easily (depends on the access right control)
The entire entry screen in QNE is designed as a piece of paper; what’s the user need to do is just fill in the data accordingly. Furthermore, the system will do all the double entry automatically.
Powerful Search Engine
You can search all the details of a customer for example: customer name, phone number, contacts person, fax, current balance, area, salesman etc.
Support data exporting to multiple file, eg. Excel, Word, Html, JPG, BITMAP etc.
Support 6 costing method: Fixed, FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average, Last Purchase Price & FIFO with future cost.
Extensive Drill Down /Zoom in facility
Multi-level Access Control
QNE uses multi-level access control to further control the user accessibility to each modulus of QNE. Different kind of users will be given different access right to use QNE, thus providing higher security control.
Powerful Report Designer
QNE built-in powerful report designer allows user to easily customize the forms/reports to fit well to their preprinted forms and fit their own needs, for example, Invoice, Delivery Order, Cash Sales, Debit Note, Credit Note, Receipt, Payment, Statement and others.
Automated selling price and purchase price controls, reduce human errors and improve customer services
The system will automatically retrieve the last selling/purchase price when a stock item is selected in the sales/purchase module.
Price history by customer, supplier and item to enhance negotiation power
Selling price lower than cost indication
Imaging Support
Stock Status Assistance
Provide sales analysis by item, customer categories, area, etc to pinpoints the strengths and weaknesses of business